Here are your free TikTok LIVE Minecraft alerts. This will allow you to add your TikTok alerts and chat inside your game with just a few clicks.
Follow the video or guide below to install them!
1: Set Up A Local PaperMC Server With ServerTap
Follow this video guide or this written guide to do this.
2: Change A Setting
Edit your file to "broadcast-rcon-to-ops=false". This just stops annoying chat messages that we don't need.
3: Download The TikFinity File
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4: Add File To TikFinity
On the setup page of TikFinity make sure your Minecraft name has been entered then scroll down and click "Import Settings From File". Choose the file and check the "actions" and "events" boxes.
If you don't want to make any changes then you are now done!
5: Make Changes
Head to the Actions & Events page and use the pencil icons to make any requested changes.
If you want to turn likes off then uncheck the box next to likes on the Events section.
🤖 ChatGPT Prompt - Change The Sound
ChatGPT ►►
The following Minecraft Java command is part of an alert I use on TikTok LIVE: "execute at PlayerName run playsound minecraft:block.note_block.pling master PlayerName". Suggest different sounds.
Check out this video for a prompt to get any Minecraft command ►►
Title Generator ►►
Thanks for reading!
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