Looking to stream on TikTok with OBS, Streamlabs or any other software? You need a stream key!
🔑 Get Your Stream Key ►► https://www.toktutorials.com/list-of-agencies
Step 1: Find Your Network
You don't get a stream key based on follower requirements. You get them from free to join creator networks. Thankfully, I've made you a verified list of these agencies.
Step 2: Find Your Invite Code
Find the Live Center in your TikTok app then locate the Creator Network section. Tap through a few screenshots and you should see the word "invitation code". Tap to generate your code and type it into the agency's application form. See above if you need an agency!
Step 3: Ask For Your Key
Your agency will communicate via email, text or the TikTok app. Check all three and eventually, you'll end up with a process to obtain the stream key.
Most agencies will have a Discord server with a dedicated channel to explain the stream key process.
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Step 4: Obtain Your Key
You'll know you have a stream key when the Live Room option appears on https://livecenter.tiktok.com/
Navigate to Live Room and scroll down and hit "Go LIVE". You are not actually live though!
Fill in the basic info and your URL and key will appear as above. Copy it into your software such as OBS or Streamlabs.
You're only actually live once you hit the start streaming button in your software.
Thanks for reading!
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